2019/7/17 11:39:13


北京时间周二晚上,美国参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会将就Facebook的数字加密货币Libra举行听证会。Facebook Calibra业务负责人大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)在提前发布的证词中表示,Libra无意与任何主权货币竞争,或进入货币政策领域。在完全解决了监管方面的顾虑并获得了适当的批准前,Facebook不会贸然推出Libra数字加密货币。

据外媒报道,美国参议院银行、住房和城市事务委员会于北京时间周二晚将就Facebook的数字加密货币Libra举行听证会,Facebook Libra项目负责人大卫·马库斯(David Marcus)将出席听证会。周一,他提前发布了他的证词。




目前,Libra协会拥有首批27名“创始会员”,涵盖支付、科技、电信、区块链和风险资本等行业,包括万事达卡(Mastercard)、PayPal、Visa、沃达丰、eBay、Facebook、Lyft、Spotify、Uber和安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)等。





克拉波主席(Mike Crapo,美国参议院银行委员会主席迈克·克拉波)、资深成员布朗(Brown),以及委员会的成员们,感谢你们今天给我的这个机会。我是大卫·马库斯(David Marcus),Facebook Calibra(数字钱包)业务负责人。在人生的大部分时间里,我是一名企业家,致力于开发旨在改善人们生活的产品。在职业生涯中,我领导过电信和金融服务等领域一直受到监管的业务。在PayPal收购我的上一家初创公司后,我成为了PayPal总裁。大约五年前,我加盟Facebook,运营Messenger业务,最近又领导我们的区块链业务。


鲍威尔主席(Jerome Powell,美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔)已明确表示,审查Libra的过程需要耐心,而不是匆忙执行。对此我们非常同意,这也是我们发表白皮书介绍Libra项目的原因。从现在到将来正式推出的这段时间里,是一个开放的过程,并受到监督和审查。事实上,我预计这将是金融科技历史上,监管机构和各国央行将进行的一次最广泛、最谨慎的“产品上市前”监管。我们知道,我们需要花时间把这件事做好。在这里,我想明确一点:在我们完全解决了监管方面的顾虑并获得了适当的批准前,Facebook不会推出Libra数字加密货币。





我首先想讨论一下Libra、Libra Reserve和Libra协会的愿景,以及为什么与各国政府、多边组织和行业合作执行这一愿景,能够及时帮助实现向更低成本、更容易获得和更互联的全球金融体系的巨大飞跃。



Libra Reserve:Libra的金融结构

与现有的稳定币(通过与单一资产“挂钩”以最小化波动的数字货币)不同,Libra在任何一种现实世界货币中都不会有固定值。相反,Libra将通过Libra Reserve在一对一的基础上得到全面支持,而Libra Reserve将持有一篮子货币的安全资产,如现金银行存款和高流动性的短期政府证券。这些货币将包括美元、英镑、欧元和日元。这种方法将最大限度地减少单个地区波动带来的风险,为世界各地可以依赖Libra满足其日常财务需求的人们提供进一步的稳定性。

Libra Reserve中的资产将由一个地理分布式的受监管托管人网络持有,这些托管人具有投资级信用评级,以提供高审计能力,以及资产的透明度、安全性和分散性。这些保管人精通如何妥善保管价值数十亿甚至数万亿美元的资产。因为Libra将得到Libra Reserve的支持,任何使用Libra的人都应该有高度的信心,他们将能够根据汇率将其出售为当地的法定货币,就像在旅行时将一种货币换成另一种货币一样。


Libra Reserve中的货币将受制于各自政府的货币政策,这些政府将继续控制这些政策。负责管理Libra Reserve的Libra协会无意与任何主权货币竞争或进入货币政策领域。它将与美联储和其他中央银行合作,确保Libra不与主权货币竞争或干预货币政策。货币政策仍属于中央银行的范畴。


监督Libra Blockchain(Libra区块链)和Libra Reserve将是一项重要的任务和责任,任何一个单一组织都做不到,也不应该单独对此负责。我们相信,合作的方式是有保证的,也是必要的。因此,我们正在努力发展Libra协会:一个独立的会员制组织。






风险投资:安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)、Breakthrough Initiatives、Ribbit Capital、Thrive Capital和Union Square Ventures

非营利和多边组织以及学术机构:Creative Destruction Lab、Kiva、Mercy Corps和妇女世界银行(Women’s World Banking)

Libra协会的每个成员——一个由公司、非营利组织、非政府组织、多边组织和学术机构组成的多元化的全球性团体——都将成为Libra协会理事会的代表。通过理事会,协会将负责管理Libra Blockchain。

它将监督区块链协议和网络的发展,并将继续评估能够增强区块链隐私的新技术,同时还要考虑到实用性、可扩展性和监管影响。它还将作为管理Libra Reserve的管理机构。所有决定都将以民主和透明的方式作出。为确保协会成员多元化,协会将努力消除尽可能多的财务障碍,以便让大量的非营利和多边组织、社会影响合作伙伴和大学可以加入。

Facebook团队已经领导了Libra协会和Libra Blockchain的创建,并将在2019年继续保持领导地位。但是,一旦Libra网络启动,Facebook及其附属公司将拥有与协会任何其他创始成员相同的特权、承诺和财务义务。我们希望在Libra Blockchain推出之前有大约100个这样的成员。作为众多成员中的一员,Facebook在协会治理中的作用将与同行平等。Facebook只有一票,不能控制这个完全独立的组织。












Libra Blockchain上的隐私将类似于现有的区块链。交易仅包括发送者和接收者的公共地址、交易金额和时间戳,而不会显示其他信息。协会不会单独持有使用区块链的人的任何个人数据,无论如何收集,也不会运行任何基础设施。因此,协会不能也不会将区块链上的数据货币化。为了保护数据和隐私,瑞士联邦数据保护和信息专员(FDPIC)将是Libra协会的隐私监管机构。


因为Libra Blockchain将作为一个开源生态系统而存在,世界各地的企业和开发人员都可以在它之上自由地构建有竞争力的服务。而Facebook打算成为众多企业中的一员。为此,我们最近宣布成立Calibra,这是Facebook的一家子公司,其目标是使用Libra Blockchain提供金融服务。Calibra打算推出的第一个产品是Libra的数字钱包,它将在Messenger和Whats App中提供,也将作为独立的应用程序提供。Calibra钱包可以让用户将Libra发送给几乎任何有智能手机的人,类似于他们发送短信的方式,而且费用很低,甚至是零。我们预,计Calibra钱包最终将成为Libra网络上消费者可以使用的众多服务之一,也是众多数字钱包之一。





在Libra Blockchain上提供服务的公司,将需要完全遵守他们所在司法管辖区的法律和法规,包括Calibra钱包。Calibra作为Facebook子公司成立的原因之一是,它将提供金融服务,并将受到相应的监管。Calibra钱包将遵守FinCEN关于其AML/CFT计划的规则,以及外国资产控制办公室(OFAC)在金融制裁方面设置的规则。各州金融监管机构将把Calibra作为转账工具来监管,联邦贸易委员会(FTC)和消费者金融保护局(CFPB)将监测消费者保护以及数据隐私和安全问题。Calibra已经在美国申请了州货币转账许可证,它也作为一家货币服务企业在FinCEN注册。









July 16,2019

Testimony of David Marcus

Head of Calibra,Facebook


Chairman Crapo,Ranking Member Brown,and members of the Committee,thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today.My name is David Marcus,and I am the Head of Calibra at Facebook.For most of my life,I have been an entrepreneur building products aimed at improving people’s lives.Throughout my career,I have led businesses in regulated industries such as telecommunications and financial services.I became PayPal’s President after it acquired my last startup,and I moved to Facebook about five years ago to run Messenger and more recently to lead our blockchain efforts.

I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today about the vision for Libra.Libra is about developing a safe,secure,and low-cost way for people to move money efficiently around the world.We believe that Libra can make real progress toward building a more inclusive financial infrastructure.The journey to get there will be a long one,and we recognize that ours has just begun.

Chairman Powell has made clear that the process for reviewing Libra needs to be patient and thorough,rather than a sprint to implementation.We strongly agree.That was the spirit with which we published the white paper introducing the Libra project.The time between now and launch is designed to be an open process and subject to regulatory oversight and review.In fact,I expect that this will be the broadest,most extensive,and most careful pre-launch oversight by regulators and central banks in FinTech’s history.We know we need to take the time to get this right.And I want to be clear:Facebook will not offer the Libra digital currency until we have fully addressed regulatory concerns and received appropriate approvals.

Before I go any further,I want to take a moment to acknowledge the twenty-seven other companies that have joined us on this journey—including companies in the payments,technology,telecommunications,blockchain,and venture capital industries,as well as non-profits.We are pleased to have each of these organizations as partners,and we look forward to working with them and others to make Libra a reality.

We approach all of these efforts with humility and a commitment to engage with experts in law,finance,economics,security,compliance,and blockchain technology,as well as with the regulators and policymakers who oversee the stability and security of our financial systems.But we also know how important it is that we begin this journey now.Since publishing our white paper on Libra,I have heard from people all around the world,excited by the possibilities that Libra offers.The status quo is not working for many;it is too expensive for people around the world to use and transfer their money.We believe Libra can offer a more efficient,low-cost,and secure alternative.

I am excited about the potential that Libra holds,and I am proud that Facebook has initiated this effort here in the United States.I believe that if America does not lead innovation in the digital currency and payments area,others will.If we fail to act,we could soon see a digital currency controlled by others whose values are dramatically different.I believe that Libra can drive positive change for the many people who would benefit from it.I also believe that it can provide an opportunity for leadership consistent with our shared values.

II.The Structure and Management of Libra

I first want to discuss the vision for Libra,the Libra Reserve,and the Libra Association,and why executing that vision,in collaboration with governments,multilateral organizations,and industry,can,in time,help deliver a giant leap forward toward a lower-cost,more accessible,and more connected global financial system.

Libra is designed to be a digitally native currency that can be used around the world.Libra brings together attributes of the world’s best currencies:stability,low inflation,wide usability,and fungibility.Technology innovations have given people tools to connect and communicate.But while people can send each other texts,videos,and photos,in many cases they cannot easily move value between one another.Economic empowerment is one of Facebook’s core values,and the 90 million businesses communicating with their customers on the Facebook platform can attest to that.We have done a lot to democratize free,unlimited communications for billions of people.We want to help do the same for digital currency and financial services,but with one key difference:We will relinquish control over the network and currency we have helped create.

Libra is a payment tool,not an investment.People will not buy it to hold like they would a stock or a bond,expecting it to pay income or increase in value.Instead,Libra is like cash.People will use it to send money to family members in other countries,for example,or to make purchases.

The Libra Reserve:Libra’s Financial Infrastructure

Unlike existing stablecoins—digital currencies designed to minimize volatility by being“pegged”to a single asset—Libra will not have a fixed value in any single real-world currency.Instead,Libra will be fully backed on a one-to-one basis through the Libra Reserve,which will hold a basket of currencies in safe assets such as cash bank deposits and highly liquid,short-term government securities.These currencies will include the U.S.dollar,the British pound,the euro,and the Japanese yen.This approach will minimize exposure to fluctuations from a single region,providing further stability for people around the world who could rely on Libra for their daily financial needs.

The assets in the Libra Reserve will be held by a geographically distributed network of regulated custodians with investment-grade credit ratings to provide high auditability,as well as transparency,security,and a decentralization of the assets.These custodians are well-versed in safekeeping billions and even trillions of dollars worth of assets.Because Libra will be backed by the Reserve,anyone using Libra should have a high degree of confidence that they will be able to sell it for local fiat currency based on an exchange rate,just like exchanging one currency for another when traveling.

Monetary Policy

The currencies represented in the Libra Reserve will be subject to their respective government’s monetary policies—policies those governments will continue to control.The Libra Association,which will manage the Reserve,has no intention of competing with any sovereign currencies or entering the monetary policy arena.It will work with the Federal Reserve and other central banks to make sure Libra does not compete with sovereign currencies or interfere with monetary policy.Monetary policy is properly the province of central banks.

The Partners and Governance of the Libra Association

Overseeing the Libra Blockchain and the Libra Reserve will be a significant undertaking and responsibility;no single organization can,or should,be solely responsible for it.We believe a cooperative approach is both warranted and necessary,and we are therefore working to develop the Libra Association:an independent membership-based organization.

The initial group of organizations that will work together on finalizing the association’s charter and become“Founding Members”upon its completion are,by industry:

Payments:Mastercard,Mercado Pago,PayPal,PayU(Naspers’FinTech arm),Stripe,Visa

Technology and marketplaces:Booking Holdings,eBay,Facebook/Calibra,Farfetch,Lyft,Spotify,Uber


Blockchain services:Anchorage,Bison Trails,Coinbase,Xapo

Venture Capital:Andreessen Horowitz,Breakthrough Initiatives,Ribbit Capital,Thrive Capital,Union Square Ventures

Nonprofit and multilateral organizations,and academic institutions:Creative Destruction Lab,Kiva,Mercy Corps,Women’s World Banking

Each of the Libra Association members—a diverse and global group of companies,not-for-profits,NGOs,multilateral organizations,and academic institutions—will be represented on the Libra Association Council.Through the Council,the Association will be responsible for the governance of the Libra Blockchain.It will oversee the evolution of the blockchain’s protocol and network and will continue to evaluate new techniques that enhance privacy in the blockchain while taking into account concerns of practicality,scalability,and regulatory impact.It will also serve as the governing body through which the Libra Reserve is managed.All decisions will be made democratically and transparently.To ensure the Association includes a diverse membership,the Association will work to remove as many financial barriers as possible so that a significant number of nonprofit and multilateral organizations,social impact partners,and universities can join.

Facebook teams have led the creation of the Libra Association and the Libra Blockchain and will maintain a leadership role through 2019.Once the Libra network launches,however,Facebook and its affiliates will have the same privileges,commitments,and financial obligations as any other founding member of the Association.We hope to have approximately 100 such members before the Libra Blockchain launches.As one member among many,Facebook’s role in governance of the Association will be equal to that of its peers.Facebook will have only one vote and will not be in a position to control the wholly independent organization.

III.Implications for Commerce and Libra Users and Consumers

Regulatory Oversight and Financial Stability

The Libra Association is committed to working with policymakers and regulators to achieve a safe,transparent,and consumer-friendly implementation of Libra.The Association recognizes that blockchain is an emerging technology,and that policymakers must determine how this technology will fit into the regulatory landscape.

Regulatory frameworks for digital assets are beginning to emerge nationally and internationally.The Libra Association will continue to work with regulators and policymakers to ensure that it complies with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Over the past year,federal regulators have repeatedly emphasized their commitment to fostering innovation.This is true as a general matter,as one can see with the Treasury Department’s report on FinTech and Innovation.But it is also true in the use of novel technologies to support compliance with anti-money-laundering(AML),combating the financing of terrorism(CFT),and sanctions regulations.The U.S.Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network(FinCEN),the Federal Reserve,the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,and the National Credit Union Association have come together to emphasize the important role that new technologies can play in helping companies large and small meet their AML/CFT and sanctions compliance obligations.The Libra Association is committed to taking up this charge,and devoting its considerable technical expertise to this task.

To be clear,the Libra Association expects that it will be licensed,regulated,and subject to supervisory oversight.Because the Association is headquartered in Geneva,it will be supervised by the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority(FINMA).We have had preliminary discussions with FINMA and expect to engage with them on an appropriate regulatory framework for the Libra Association.The Association also intends to register with FinCEN as a money services business.

Anti-Money Laundering,the Bank Secrecy Act,and Other Law Enforcement and National Security Concerns

The Libra Association is similarly committed to supporting efforts by regulators,central banks,and lawmakers to ensure that Libra contributes to the fight against money laundering,terrorism financing,and more.A network that helps move more paper cash transactions—where many illicit activities happen—to a digital network that features regulated on-and off-ramps with proper know-your-customer(KYC)practices,combined with the ability for law enforcement and regulators to conduct their own analysis of on-chain activity,will present an opportunity to increase the efficacy of financial crimes monitoring and enforcement.The Libra Association will continue to engage proactively and openly with all relevant stakeholders on these key issues.Libra should improve detection and enforcement,not set them back.

The Libra Association will also maintain policies and procedures with respect to AML and the Bank Secrecy Act,combating the financing of terrorism,and other national security-related laws,with which its members will be required to comply if they choose to provide financial services on the Libra network.

Protecting the Privacy and Security of Personal Information

Protecting consumers and ensuring people’s privacy is one of the Libra Association’s top priorities.The Association is committed to working with regulators as they explore the application of relevant laws to distributed ledger technology.

Privacy on the Libra Blockchain will be similar to existing blockchains;transactions include only the sender and receiver’s public addresses,the transaction amount,and the timestamp.No other information will be visible.The Association will not separately hold any personal data on people who use the blockchain,no matter how it otherwise could be collected,and will not run any infrastructure.As a result,the Association cannot,and will not,monetize data on the blockchain.For the purposes of data and privacy protections,the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner(FDPIC)will be the Libra Association’s privacy regulator.

IV.The Structure and Management of Calibra

Because the Libra Blockchain will exist as an open-source ecosystem,businesses and developers around the world are free to build competitive services on top of it.And Facebook intends to be one of the many businesses that will do so.To that end,we recently announced the formation of Calibra,a Facebook subsidiary whose goal is to provide financial services using the Libra Blockchain.The first product Calibra intends to introduce is a digital wallet for Libra that will be available in Messenger,WhatsApp,and as a standalone app.The Calibra wallet will let users send Libra to almost anyone with a smartphone,similar to how they might send a text message,and at low-to-no cost.We expect that the Calibra wallet will ultimately be one of many services,and one of many digital wallets,available to consumers on the Libra network.

We do not expect Calibra to make money at the outset,and Calibra customers’account and financial information will not be shared with Facebook,Inc.,and as a result cannot be used for ad targeting.Our first goal is to create utility and adoption,enabling people around the world—especially the unbanked and underbanked—to take part in the financial ecosystem.

But we expect that the Calibra wallet will be immediately beneficial to Facebook more broadly because it will allow many of the 90 million small-and medium-sized businesses that use the Facebook platform to transact more directly with Facebook’s many users,which we hope will result in consumers and businesses using Facebook more.That increased usage is likely to yield greater advertising revenue for Facebook.

V.Implications for Consumers and Users of the Calibra Wallet

Regulatory Oversight and Financial Stability

Companies offering services on the Libra Blockchain will need to be fully compliant with the laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they operate,and that includes the Calibra wallet.One of the reasons that Calibra was established as a Facebook subsidiary was because it will be providing financial services,and it will be regulated accordingly.The Calibra wallet will comply with FinCEN’s rules for its AML/CFT program and the rules set by the Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC)with respect to financial sanctions.State financial regulators will regulate Calibra as a money transmitter,and the Federal Trade Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will monitor for consumer protection and data privacy and security issues.Calibra has filed for state money transmitter licenses in the U.S.and it is also registered with FinCEN as a money services business.

Anti-Money Laundering,the Bank Secrecy Act,and Other Law Enforcement and National Security Concerns

Similarly,Calibra will comply with the Bank Secrecy Act and will incorporate KYC and AML/CFT methodologies used around the world,including those focused on customer identification and verification,and risk-based customer due diligence,while developing and applying technologies such as advanced machine learning to enhance transaction monitoring,and suspicious activity reporting.Calibra’s efforts will be commensurate with its risk profile based on several factors,such as Calibra’s product features,customer profiles,geographies,and transaction volumes.

Protecting the Privacy and Security of Personal Information

Calibra is also being designed with a strong commitment to protecting customer privacy.Calibra believes that customers hold rights to their data and should have simple,understandable,and accessible data-management controls.Calibra will not share individual customer data with the Libra Association,no matter how it might be collected,nor will Calibra receive other personally identifiable user data from the Libra Association.And,except in limited circumstances,such as preventing fraud or criminal activity and complying with the law,Calibra will not share customers’account information or financial data with Facebook unless people agree to permit such sharing.Calibra customer account information and financial data will not be used to improve ad targeting on the Facebook, of products.


The goal for Libra is straightforward:A digital currency built on a secure and stable open-source blockchain,backed by a reserve of real assets,and governed by an independent association.We want to create more access to better,cheaper,and open financial services—no matter who you are,where you live,what you do,or how much you have.We recognize that the road to reaching that goal will be long,and it will not be achieved in isolation.That is why we have begun publicizing the vision for Libra and why we have been discussing,and will continue to discuss,how best to achieve that goal with businesses,nonprofit and multilateral organizations,and academic institutions from around the world,as well as with policymakers,central banks,and regulators.We recognize the authority of financial regulators and support their oversight of this project.

Thank you for having me here today.I look forward to answering your questions.

